Do you feel guilty, judged, you do not deserve, you have fallen short of the standard, be encouraged for today: “… God’s grace that brings salvation has appeared to all…” through Christ Jesus (Titus 2:11). Nothing is too dark that God’s grace cannot satisfy!

Among the Samburu community of Kenya, if a person accidentally commits murder, they must undergo a cleansing ritual. The community identifies a traditional healer who takes the individual through the stipulated steps of “redemption” to receive grace to continue being a community member.

The guilty man is called “black” because he has committed a “dark deed.” To appease the community a “dark” mediator in complexion is sought from a neighboring community to perform the cleansing ceremony. The “dark” mediator slaughters a spotless sheep or goat, empties the bowels, and smears the victim with the bowel contents of the sacrificed animal from head to toe. During the cleansing season, this guilty victim cannot enter any homestead and even receive water to drink. After the season of banishment, a sacrifice is done to cleanse the victims and restore them back to the community.

Similarly, today, you have been “…sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Hebrews 10:10). God’s grace has ushered in your salvation, ending your abandonment like the “dark” man. You have now become part of the community of the children of God. Besides, God’s grace empowers you for service and commissions you for a mission to form others in the likeness of Christ. Better still, God’s grace assures you “hope” a life of eternity with God in the Kingdom of Christ.

Welcome to the grace of God that is “redemptive, rewarding, and restorative.”

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