Day 5: Blind and Bold

“What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?” (Numbers 22:28)

Seeking Soul, It is the fifth day of prayer and fasting, probably exhausted and wondering if it is worth it. Your deep has been calling to the deep experiences of God. You have traveled through the wilderness of sorts, with a soul thirsting for God and your flesh longing for renewal. You came to a place of uncertainty where like Samuel you longed to hear the rear voice of God. But like Hannah you are so heavy with needs that words can barely come out of your lips.

Seeking Soul, God is beginning to speak, but there are other competing voices around you, distorting the voice of God. I began to hear the prompting of God directing me to study the Man Balaam the Diviner,  I wonder what God has in store for us! As you read the Story of Balaam, it is hilarious, not because the donkey spoke, but that the man, Balaam, responded back to a speaking donkey!

The Story begins with a Jealous King Balaak who has heard what God is doing among the children of Israel. This man is overcome with fear and Jealousy at the speed at which Israel is multiplying and expanding. instead of welcoming an alliance with the children of Israel, the King highers a “Diviner” to “Curse” the children of Israel.

God appears to Balaam and commands him to bless the  Israelites instead. As both God and the King speak to Balaam, Balaam decides to visit the King. This king was loaded with gifts and had promised to reward Balaam exceedingly well as soon as he cursed the children of Israel. The offer is tempting. On his way to the King, Balaam’s donkey gets off the road, smashing Balaam’s foot, the third time the donkey stops on the road. Balaam is so mad with the donkey that he hits the donkey with his staff mercilessly. At that point, the donkey speaks out.

Then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?” (Numbers 22:28)

Seeking Soul, is your anger flaring out, hurting those around you? There is so much happening around which threatens to obscure the image of God. Your movement is hindered to the left and the right, you are frustrated because even now, in prayer, you feel like you are not making any headway.  Seeking Soul, DO YOU FEEL LIKE BALAAM the diviner? So determined to move on but so blinded that you cannot see ahead. How BLIND are WE that God, can stand in the way, and yet WE fail to recognize Him or hear him?

Could the obstacles you are facing seeking soul, be God’s way of saving you, asking you to WAIT, HOLD ON, or LOOK UP? Or maybe you are hearing voices, and these voices seem more promising than God’s offer. Sometimes, you listen to voices and are convinced that you know God’s will. 

Seeking Soul, are you determined to finish your assignment But get frustrated when obstacles get in your way? You are determined to have it your way that you get SO BLIND… to recognize that God is leading another way. In the story, Balaam was so mad that he never realized he was arguing with a donkey. Dear Seeking Soul, when you face obstacles and you are not sure what you should do or what direction you should take, may I suggest to you; Could God be stopping you, wanting you to realign your priorities? Before you move on, check the following:

  1. Messenger: Who is sending you? Can you trust the voices speaking to you to direct a destiny or to use you for their ultimate gain? Discern the voices trying to overshadow God’s voice.
  2. Mission: Where is your assignment taking you? God can choose to send you seeking soul, among haters like King  Balaak, be sensitive to the place of assignment God is directing you. 
  3. Message: Why are you being sent? Is your assignment to impact transformation or cause destruction? Study God’s word and listen attentively to God’s leading.
  4. Means: How is God sending you there? Don’t worry, seeking Soul, a pilgrim like you once said, “God’s mission will never lack God’s provision.” 

Seeking Soul, shift your focus from talking to the donkeys… Those are, Circumstances beyond our control; obstacles blinding us to see the problem behind the problem. Like Balaam, we are hurting those around us. We are screaming and shouting, getting angry with those we should not. We are hurting ourselves with fear and worries we cannot resolve. We are nursing emotional wounds, through stress and strain.

Seeking Soul, Make this prayer with me; 

  • Open my eyes, Lord, to see Jesus.
  • Open my ears, Lord, to listen.
  • Open my heart, Lord, to believe and
  • Open my mind, Lord, to understand your ways.

Thus says the Lord, seeking Soul:

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21) 

5 thoughts on “Day 5: Blind and Bold”

  1. Catherine Ngaira

    This is an uplifting message.May I be sensitive to the voice of God in concerning every decision I make,that it may be aligned to God’s will.

    1. Sister Catherine, Amen. Can you imagine sometimes God, stands on our way to redirect us? But we are quick to cast out spirits before seeking Gods divine will over issues. Thank you.

    1. Dear Agnes, our God is patient with us and teaches to listen to him. Intentionality is the word in a world filled with Chaos and Noise, all manner of distractions, we must seek to listen. Amen.

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