Before, Beneath and Beyond Salvation

A study of John Wesley’s Teaching on Salvation.

Contemplating the journey of faith since I made an intentional commitment to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior as a young Anglican youth thirty-six years ago, the readings in soteriology have made me rethink my understanding of “salvation.” The “orienting concerns” emerging from my faith formation can be grouped in three dimensions, that is “Before, Beneath and Beyond.”

Before Salvation

First, my expectation is to emulate the thought of John Wesley to interrogate the belief “Before” that led to my faith in Christ. Those experiences some “mundane” and others “strange encounters” like Wesley at sea with the Moravians accompanied by what John Wesley would come to call the “Prevenient Grace”, as the workings of God to get the most beautiful works of a thirsty soul.

“Before” salvation as in John Wesley’s study defined that human problems are caused by sin and the solution is found in God’s gracious redemption through Christ Jesus. Currently as the lead pastor daily I am faced with individuals, families and communities that are wrestling with “Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups” desiring to be broken fee.

Beneath Salvation

“Beneath” Salvation, seeks to appreciate the power behind the redemptive work of Christ as John Wesley saw God as source of all existence and value.[1] While rebuking the vices that hold captive the human soul, it is evident that the solution is found in Christ. Beneath salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit to restore and empower the believer to a victorious life. John Wesley sees this as God’s initiative while the human response in the process of salvation is obedience and complete faith in Christ to procure redemption.

Beyond Salvation

In sync with John Wesley that salvation is not the end of things, I desire to explore the workings of God “Beyond” salvation into eternity. My expectation is the need like John Wesley, to engage “theology on the go.” I endeavor the Implementation of practical theology that addresses issues of life of the daily ordinary fork in their day-to-day business.[2] In this emphasis John Wesley helps me realize the present and future dimensions of the reign of Christ and means of salvation.[3]

Secondly the hopes, expectations, questions, or concerns I have for the class, will develop through the daily engagements in the program. I will be seeking from my colleagues to help me understand what became of “Wesleyan Movement” in the Methodist church. The pain of division and theological departures that have seen the Methodist ministry once revered today is shrouded in splits and spiritual deviations.

Finally, as I integrated the readings with my daily practice of faith, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, I can commit to myself, my colleagues, to God, to my professor, the Africancommunity I serve in the Dallas Metroplex to relieve the tenets of the marks of a Christian believer. Beyond stating the Character of a “Methodist” today my focus shifts to the Character of Christian believer in the church today. I commit to “believe, belong and build” the Kingdom upon the solid rock that is Christ.

Conclusively, “Before, Beneath and Beyond” Salvation, seeks to engage the believer to appreciate the “plan, power and posterity” of the Divine economy on matters “Salvation.”

[1] Ibid.

[2] Maddox, Randy L.. Responsible Grace (Kingswood Series) (p. 17). Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.

[3] Maddox, Randy L.. Responsible Grace (Kingswood Series) (p. 235). Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.

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