Day 1: Deep Calls for Deep

Boat in a stormy sea

Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me. (Psalm 42:7)

I woke up this morning seeking direction on beginning my twenty-one-day prayer and fasting season. I had a laundry list of things I wanted to bring before the Lord on the second day of the new year. Stuff about my family, the church I serve, the people I know, the community I belong and the nation I love. Then God reminded me of this passionate soul who visited my office asking, “Pastor, something is wrong, but I cannot point it out. I love the church, and I love the messages. Don’t get me wrong, but I feel empty. What should I do? I feel like I am all poured out, is it ok if I move to another church… what should I do?”

Then, the Holy Spirit began to prompt my heart with these words: DEEP CALLS FOR DEEP! In the opening of Psalm 42, David is in agony, seeking divine intervention over circumstances he has no control. The best he can describe is that “As a deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after God.” The King seems distant from a God he knew previously and longs for God’s Presence. “When shall I come and appear before the living God?” He is  overwhelmed by mockers surrounding him, demanding, “Where is your God?”

Like the soul who visited my office, David evaluates his previous experiences with God, which do not measure with his present longings. It is then that he writes in pain… Psalm 42:7 Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me. David is so overwhelmed and believes that “trouble” invites more “trouble,” his pain brings more pain, and his needs usher even deeper needs. “My tears are my food day and night…” he cries…

Do you feel the same, drenched in your tears, of experiences you currently face and have no control over? Drowning in your storms and your screams for help can barely be heard. Is your deep calling for deep? Do you have a “laundry list” of things you must bring before God as you begin your prayer and fasting season? I am there too, what must we do? This is not the time to do, but to wait… Wait and see the salvation of the Lord. In “doing”, we take over God’s formation process, but In “waiting”, we submit ourselves to God’s formation process. In the depth of our “care,” so should be the depth of our “call, “let your “deep” cares call for your “DEEP” encounters with God today.

NOW Take your Bible and pen, read Palm 42, and wait upon God; as He speaks, write down. You may be asking how the spiritual formation process works. There are four dimensions to your formation process as one engages God:

  1. THE PERSON: Who is being formed? The soul that longs after God. David exclaims, “My soul longs for you, oh God…” v/s 1. Your “longing” invites your “forming”.
  2. THE PRESENCE: By whom is the formation done? God. David realises that change can only be procured in the presence of God. “Hope in God…” v/s 5. It is not in our relocation away from the storms but God’s presence even within the storm that formation occurs.
  3. THE PROCESS: How is this formation accomplished? The work of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. David feels like a person jumping from the frying pan into the fire, yet in the depth of his anguish, he makes the deepest of his calls. “Deep Calls for Deep…” v/s 7. It is not the time that counts but faithfulness to allow God to complete His work in you.
  4. THE PRODUCT: Into what are we formed? Into Christlikeness. David longed for a complete overhaul. “When shall I come and appear before God?” v/s 2. Remember you may come out limping after wrestling with God, some mute like Zechariah the father of John the Baptist, or blind like Paul of Tarsus. You can never encounter God and remain the same!

Oh, longing soul, you now ask, should I move, change a spouse, leave a job, seek for new opportunities, stop going… “What must I do?” Nothing… yes, nothing… Stop “Doing” and begin “Waiting.” Wait upon God in His word.

  • Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might, He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:28-31)

Every Deep “Care” is an opportunity for a Deeper “Call” for God’s Prescence.

How can you describe your longing for God?

24 thoughts on “Day 1: Deep Calls for Deep”

    1. Dr. Sang, may you continue to grow deeper as you release yourself in his presence, your “longing” has invited your “forming.”

    2. Amazing piece Pastor Mesh! To God be the glory. A deeper connection during this season recalibrates my commitment to what God has called me to be.Just like Moses, I need His presence!

      1. Sheriff Sir, imagine being promised the company of angels, your enemies being dealt with accordingly and inheritance assured BUT God says to MOSES, MY PRESENCE SHALL NO GO WITH YOU. How many of us fall for the raw end of the stick, when we choose, others BUT GOD! God’s presence is non- negotiable! Wow

      2. What a timely message P. Meshack. Waiting on God is critical, but so hard to practice in our busy “doing” worlds. Thank you for this reminder, this call, this charge to WAIT and to go Deeper with the One who loves us so.

        1. Dear Linda, What a chastisement for those of us in the vineyard. He calls us first to be with Him before He can send us to the field, but we end up going to the field without meeting Him to be assigned the duty for the day.

  1. My longing for God is a steady flame in the quiet corners of my heart, flickering with a warmth that draws me closer to the divine. It’s like a pilgrimage, where each step brings me nearer to the sacred, and every challenge becomes an opportunity to strengthen my connection with the divine. There’s a mix of joy in moments of spiritual revelation and anticipation as I navigate the unknown. Overall, my longing for God is a journey, an evolving landscape of emotions that deepens my understanding and appreciation of the divine presence in my life.

    1. Wow Carol (Mama Ndazi) I would not have said it better. Consider writing a devotional as you walk this journey.

    1. Mwalimu, our human thing is to DO! We often feel, I must do something, but honestly sometimes in our doing we cause more harm! Wait…

  2. Lucy T KANYANGI

    Thanks pastor I thought of how to start my fasting and someone on a different group had posted Rev 4:11 so I read it and was meditating on it that all glory, honor and power belongs to Lord our God and that we are created by God and are sustained by Him. So as I seek for direction for 2024 for my personal life, my family, my community, my church, my countries US and Kenya, my world where there are so many things, so many needs to be met: you just gave me the answer. Wait on the Lord. The only one who is able to do all things that we need and to fulfill our hearts desires. The one who can give us perfect Peace. Amen. Amen

    1. Sister Lucy, I think sometimes our pride, get on our way because we want to fix it humanly the way we understand, but until we wait! We cannot see the salvation of the Lord. Only God knows how to connect with every soul that waits. Because my season may not be your season. Amazing Reflection.

  3. William Bittock

    Now Pastor Meshack, you know you have to continue this. What an encouragement to Wait on the Lord, surrender my laundry list and get God’s Best for me.

    1. Dear Pastor William Bittock, your Elder “James” and “Barnabas” encouragement spirit is a big win for the body of Christ. My greatest “weakness” like many of us ministers is to attempt to “fix” people and issues that come our way. That is why we are often quick to give answers or seek for answers instead of directing people to Christ, the source of all answers. This is where we need to learn some wisdom from the Priest Eli and let our little Samuels know, that we don’t have all the answers and when He calls next just say “Speak Lord, for thy servant hearth.”

  4. This made me think of the many times I go before the Lord with an unending list. Wait, a four letter word that seems like forever to many of us. I am doing away with my “ laundry list “ now and just wait upon the Lord.

    1. Sister Grace! That is our default state as humans who always feel, I must do something about it. Jesus called his disciples to first “be” with him and then to “send” them.

      Being comes before sending! Once you know what the master wants you can now go forth in obedience. Wait… Then Go as per the Lords instructions. Shalom Grace Wa Kamau.

  5. This was very insightful Pastor! The journey to redeem any kind of relationship can sometimes be a difficult one to maneuver. But I’m grateful for your reminder that this one is God’s doing and that He is more than willing, if anything excited even, to reconnect with us every time we feel like we have drifted away.

    1. My daughter Natasha, I am proud as a spiritual father to walk this path with you. When it is God’s doing no human intervention can come between a “seeking soul” and God. Be encouraged to engage God, you will never be the same!

  6. Happy New Pastor
    What a Powerful & inspirational message to start the new year , fasting & seeking “Food for the Soul & Heart”
    Personally, this message has helped me realize that I can’t do anything by myself.
    “ My laundry basket is really full”
    I trust that leaning on God, family , friends , family in church -members , all are there for me.
    I thank the Lord for all the Blessings & look forward to a better year.

    1. Dear Mrs Baraza, you are a jewel in Christ’s Kingdom. You have been part of that support team as you have identified that has kept us going. Every one of us needs a healthy support network of family, friends, church and even at the work space. Someone once said to me, let us play our part faithfully and we will have made a huge impact around us. Thank you for playing your part.

  7. This message came just right in time. There are really critical times to just stop and wait sincerely unto God. May God refill our various emptiness.

    1. Dear Gertrude, sometimes waiting sounds like being inactive because impatience has taught us to rush for the solution without thinking through it. Welcome to the Daily Journey.

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